Introduction — What is Niche Marketing, and how does it benefit sex workers?

Welcome to my new marketing blog! Marketing is one of the most critical components to the success of your escort business. This blog has been designed especially to help you understand one of the most effective and rewarding strategies for escort marketing— niche marketing. Here you will learn exactly how niche marketing differs from mainstream marketing within the escort industry and who niche marketing can benefit the most.

(It’s worth noting off the BAT that my advice is generally geared toward workers with multiple years of experience in the adult industry, due to the type of self-reflection necessary for this advice to work. This guide is primarily written with escorts in mind, but can definitely benefit other types of SWers as well.)

So first off, what exactly IS niche marketing? Niche marketing is the strategy of narrowing the focus of your business onto a small, specific subset of the client population rather than casting a wide net to try to appeal to a lager percentage of people’s tastes. Mainstream marketing strategy offers a more generic product or service that could theoretically be utilised by clients with a wide variety of needs & desires. So why would it be beneficial to NARROW your focus onto a SMALLER portion of the population? We want MORE clients, right? Not less?? 😉

The mainstream market can often be flooded with options. And much of everything looks very similar or exactly the same. Sound familiar? It can be incredibly difficult to make your brand stand out among the myriad of choices that are available to clients. If you are a start-up or self-funded entrepreneur with a limited marketing budget, competing with more well-established brands with greater marketing resources in an already-flooded advertising sphere can be frustrating and yield minimal success. How can you compete with someone in a category that they are already dominating when you have less experience and far fewer resources?

The answer— You don’t need to compete with anyone at ALL.

Niche marketing allows you to create your OWN category, custom-tailored to you and your own unique talents. When you’ve custom-designed your own category, you can easily dominate it with consistent hard work and a few critical pieces of the niche marketing formula.

How do you know if niche marketing is the right strategy for YOU? Well first— ask yourself— how do you feel that your current marketing is working out for you? Are you happy with the type of clients you’re attracting? Are you attracting enough of them?

Mainstream marketing actually does work well for certain types of people. Workers with body types that reflect popularised, mainstream notions of physical beauty; workers who prefer to offer heteronormative, vanilla services; workers who hustle smaller markets that are not already flooded with options for providers; workers who prefer to be a jack-of-all-trades; and workers who enjoy (& can achieve) a large/stready volume of clients at lower rates (which can obv add up to very significant income overall) are various types of workers who might prefer a mainstream approach. Most people who fall outside these circumstances in ANY way could benefit from a niche marketing strategy—even those for whom mainstream marketing is a viable option. If you are not happy with the type of clients you are attracting, for example, this work will not be sustainable in the long run, even if your current marketing strategy does yield sufficient volume of business to meet your financial goals.

Niche marketing allows you to identify and target the type of client that you PREFER to work with & are talented at pleasing. Who doesn’t enjoy ending up with clients who are absolutely thrilled by your most natural talents??

Whether I’ve convinced you yet or not, you should read on to learn more in my next blog post: Key Elements & Benefits of Niche Marketing for Escorts.