Finding Your Most Powerful Angles as a Niche Escort or Adult Service Provider

If you’ve done a lot of photoshoots for work, then you probably already have feelings about good and bad angles… In niche marketing we also work with a different kind of angle—the marketing angle. Just like a camera angle can subconsciously affect how other people view you, you can use marketing angles to communicate powerful messaging about your brand in a subconscious way. Brands are most powerful when their aesthetics, images, content, and messaging all reinforce the same type of story about the brand itself. Because we are working with the human subconscious, it is actually important that angles be expressed & reflected consistently across your brand. This is much easier to do when your chosen “angles” have been customized to you and are exactly what you want for your brand. If you haven’t yet read Identifying Your Niche(s) & Identifying (with) Your Ideal Client, take some time to work out those parts of my formula before you attempt to complete this one.

If you have done them already, take a moment to look your notes on both of the previous exercises over once again to put them fresh on your mind. With your chosen niche(s) and model ideal client in mind, ask yourself this question “How and why can I meet this client’s needs better than anyone else can?” In other words, why is he smart to choose you? Why are you exactly who he needs to fulfill his niche interest(s)?

Be as specific as possible while detailing your responses. This messaging is not meant to be seen by your clients directly, so focus more on expressing your ideas clearly & specifically than choosing words that will sound enticing from a client’s point of view for now. Boil your thoughts down into a few specific & powerful truths about why you are the just the right choice for your model ideal client. If you’re struggling, remember to keep the specific character in mind that we already created in the previous exercise. You now understand what makes his clock tick, and because of that, you can get VERY specific about why you are perfect for him.

Common reasons why you might be the perfect person to indulge his niche interest(s) include: you being extremely knowledgeable on the subject(s), you being naturally talented with some aspect of them, you being fascinated with & passionate about (a) mutual niche interest(s), the rarity of your specific combination of niches, your attitude toward or style of fulfilling the(se) niche(s), etc. Base this on what you know about your model client’s psyche & persona—the aforementioned are merely examples.

Personal Example: I can introduce my clients to assplay in a sweet, seductive, gentle & kind way that doesn’t leave them injured… and they can find themselves surprisingly comfortable to explore new things with me, even though they’ve felt too nervous or had bad experiences before with other people not being gentle enough or not knowing how to open them up in a nice way. I am consistently passionate about exploring assplay with newbies/beginners, so even men who have trouble raising the topic of their own interest can simply ask me what I like to do and then “allow” me to have my way with them- removing the barrier of their own fear of asking for what they want from the equation.
(It’s ok if you don’t describe yours in this level of depth- I’ve been thinking about and developing mine for many years. This is only one of my multiple niche angles, but it is probably my favourite.)

It’s OKAY to choose to focus on a one single angle. Notice how my example angle above incorporates my understanding of both my client’s desires AND his fears—an extra powerful combination! It’s okay to start with something simpler too tho. This is a niche that developed naturally & gradually for me over time.

Does my example seem “too specific” to yield a steady business? You might think so only If you are unfamiliar with that particular sector of the market. Those of you who are familiar with related realms of the industry will surely agree with me that both this highly specific desire and incredibly specific fear would resonate with a wide multitude of paying clients. This is a good example of how getting very personal and taking the time to analyze a single person’s desires and fears can translate into an incredibly specific angle that actually appeals to a large number of people.

You might also simply HAVE multiple niches! And that’s perfectly ok! Many clients can appreciate providers as complex human beings and will book you at the intersection of multiple highly specific niches. If both/all niches are in high demand in the marketplace, your unconventional & intriguing combination serves to emphasize your uniqueness and adds to your depth of character. If you think clients may distrust you due to any perceived conflict or conflict of interest between your niches, take note of these concerns. There are ways to address them with your marketing in advance as a preventative measure.

Now, in case you’ve become confused about the difference between your niche(s) and your marketing angles, let’s review: your niche(s) are the specialty interest(s) that you are naturally talented with indulging, which are both rare and in demand among potential clients. Your marketing angles, on the other hand, are specific explanations about how and why you are the best choice to fulfill your ideal client’s niche desires. See how your ‘marketing angles’ bind you, your niche service, and your ideal client together into an obviously perfect fit?

But why should potential clients believe that you really are the best choice just because you say you are and explain the reasons? They won’t, generally! There is too much subconscious skepticism about all marketing, and within our industry that’s even truer than for most environments. But your viewers will always believe what they FEEL about you. You can use these marketing angles to create media that will subconsciously communicate your brand’s key points of difference. But that’s a topic for a future article!

Check out my next article, How to Price Your Niche Escort Service.